Acupuncture for Depression
How acupuncture helps you to live a fuller life
Acupuncture in combination with antidepressant medications is both effective and works much sooner than antidepressants on their own.
Journal of Affective Disorders.
A study from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine has shown you can expect some improvement in depression symptoms within two weeks from starting acupuncture treatment.
The effects of this natural therapy have been well documented. In 2002 WHO has published an analysis and review of clinical trials. We find the results to be really inspiring. Don’t just take our word for it, click here to read it.
You can combine our treatment with medications for depression. Recent systematic review and meta-analysis has shown that acupuncture combined with antidepressant medication is effective. It can accelerate the effect of drugs. Combined therapy is safe and well-tolerated.
If you’re willing to stop/reduce your medication, you can gradually wean off it only with the supervision of your GP or psychiatrist. We do not advise you to stop antidepressants immediately when you start the treatment with us.
You will need less help from the drugs when you start to feel healthier, more energetic, happier.
Would you be willing to discuss your situation with us? Get in touch now.