Stress fertility and acupuncture
The insidious nature of chronic stress. Why stress you don’t feel may be more harmful for your fertility.
The insidious nature of chronic stress. Why stress you don’t feel may be more harmful for your fertility.
A recent study conducted by researchers from Otago University in New Zealand found a new link between stress and fertility.
The researchers discovered a previously unknown set of brain cells (neurons) that respond to stress hormones. These neurons can “shut down” the reproductive system, especially ovulation in response to stress.
“It could be that just a day of stress is enough to block [pregnancy] from happening, and then that’s the chance gone for the whole month,”
Professor Greg Anderson from the Otago University Neuroendocrinology Centre.
Their findings are worrying, but not surprising. Your body perceives stress as a signal of danger. And even though, in most situations today, it doesn’t necessarily mean danger is physical harm, our bodies switch on the mechanism of survival through a “flight or fight” response.
In response to stress, the nervous system sends signals to reduce the blood flow to all parts of your body except what is essential to respond to threats.
When you’re in danger, the reproductive system is not a priority. Consequently, the reproductive system, including the Fallopian tubes, ovaries, and uterus, receives reduced blood flow.
Acupuncture harmonises the branch of the nervous system associated with rest, relaxation, digestion and tissue healing.
A study conducted in Australia showed that women who underwent regular acupuncture for eight weeks had a significant stress reduction. Women felt more relaxed, were better able to cope with social and relationship pressures. Additionally, they found it easier to deal with the stress caused by their infertility diagnosis.
Stress is one of the main reasons why individuals quit IVF. Furthermore, it affects your chances to a successful IVF. Women exposed to chronic stress have a 27% lower chance to conceive with IVF. And acupuncture is a great tool to minimise the impact of it. After a course of acupuncture, women undergoing IVF felt more relaxed, had fewer miscarriages and more babies.
Acupuncture modulates the very mechanism of stress
Although well-intentioned, hearing the advice to “relax and it will happen” can be frustrating and unhelpful. However, there are effective therapies available that can help you address stress and improve your chances of conception. One such therapy is acupuncture.
Studies have shown that acupuncture works by modulating the body’s stress response, targeting the “stress command center” known as the hypothalamus. Research has shown that acupuncture can help to relax the sympathetic nervous system, leading to a boost in blood flow to the ovaries and uterus. Not to mention, it promotes a more relaxed state of mind.
After an acupuncture session, some of our patients report feeling a sense of release, as if a weight has been lifted from their shoulders, a natural high. You may wonder why? The answer is simple – acupuncture releases endorphins – your body’s natural painkillers that help to regulate the “fight or flight” response and reduce anxiety.
Higher levels of endorphins can lead to feelings of euphoria, a balanced appetite, healthier immune response, reduced stress and the release of reproductive hormones. All of these are beneficial when trying to conceive.
Prolonged stress can easily progress into anxiety and depression. As you may know, the longer it takes to conceive, the harder it is to deal with disappointments. Acupuncture has been shown to alleviate depression and anxiety. Furthermore, acupuncture has a pleasant side-effect – it can improve sleep.
If we are talking about sings of physical body stress like pain and inflammation, acupuncture has been recommended as a first-line treatment for chronic pain management.
In summary, acupuncture is a safe, natural, and effective way to reduce stress, alleviate anxiety and depression, manage pain, and boost your fertility. If you’re trying to conceive and feeling stressed or overwhelmed, acupuncture may be an excellent option to consider.