Acupuncture: a natural answer to neck pain
Acupuncture offers long-term relief from pain and tension
Acupuncture offers long-term relief from pain and tension
Neck pain is one of the most common sources of chronic pain alongside low back pain, severe headaches and migraines.
The neck muscles can be strained by poor posture — whether it’s leaning over your computer or looking down at your phone. Inflammation, or injury like whiplash can cause neck pain or stiffness. Ongoing tension can cause headaches.
Acupuncture has been recommended as a first-line treatment option for neck pain and stiffness by recent chronic pain guidelines.
Acupuncture is more effective than drugs and physical therapy, according to a 2015 study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. This study was widely covered by media (Time, Webmd, Reuters).
The lead researcher Hugh MacPherson, PhD wanted to explore how acupuncture compares to medications and physical therapy. The study involved 517 people suffering from neck pain for an average of six years. These people must have tried a variety of treatments over the 6 years and nothing worked. It is a long time to be in pain.
Study participants reported more than 30% reduction in pain 12 months after receiving a specific acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture was also more effective compared with drugs and traditional physical therapy, which did not have a long-term effect.
“No other single treatment [but Acupuncture and Alexander Technique] is known to provide long-term benefits”
Hugh MacPherson PhD, University of York, U.K.
Long-term effects of acupuncture have been shown in a few studies. For instance Norwegian office workers who suffered from chronic neck pain and headaches experienced benefits of acupuncture for 3 years following a course of treatment.
Acupuncture had a long lasting pain relief in another study from Germany. Researchers recruited 14,161 people with neck pain. Their pain lasted at least six months prior to the study. Half of them received up to 15 acupuncture sessions over three months. Many of them had a significant relief and most importantly treatment success was essentially maintained for at least six months.
Some neck pain sufferers put up with it and continue taking anti-inflammatory drugs. Others resort to more radical and invasive steroid injections. These pharmacological options can have significant side-effects and adverse events. Studies have shown that acupuncture can provide a great alternative to this, because benefits of it can last, making it a great option for those seeking a long-term relief from neck pain and headaches.
Don’t let neck pain and headaches control your life. Take the first step toward your recovery and make an appointment today.
Acupuncture not only alleviates pain, it also reduces muscle spasm, thereby increasing mobility. Joint damage often results from muscle malfunction, and many patients complain of arthralgia before any changes are demonstrable by X-ray. In these cases, acupuncture may bring about a permanent cure.
Neck pain and neck injuries often lead to headaches and migraines. We use gentle massage and acupuncture to relax your neck muscles, to recover the full range of movement and treat the pain. For headache sufferers, we use specialised treatment in addition to this.
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