Have you ever wondered about IVF success rates? Well, let us break it down for you. IVF success rates are all about the chances of having a successful pregnancy through in vitro fertilization treatment. But, did you know that there are many factors that can influence the success rates? For example, your age, the cause of your infertility, your general health and lifestyle factors, adjacent treatments like acupuncture, and even the quality of embryos and treatment protocol can all play a role.
Success rates are typically reported in terms of live birth rates per cycle or per embryo transfer. Let’s say a clinic reports a live birth rate of 19% for women under the age of 35. That means out of 100 women, only 19 will have a live birth following fresh embryo transfer per cycle.
But beware! Your IVF clinic may advertise a live birth rate of per embryo transfer, which will be a deceivingly higher number, because a lot of women don’t get to the embryo transfer.
Even more confusingly, some clinics may advertise pregnancy rates instead of live birth rates, which will look like a higher number still. This can be deceiving since not all pregnancies result in a live birth, which is ultimately what we all want.
In conclusion, when it comes to IVF success rates, it’s important to consider all the factors and be aware of how clinics may choose to advertise their rates. Don’t be swayed by just one number – do your research and choose a clinic that gives you the best chance of success.