Image for Low Carb Diet and Fertility: buckwheat low carb bread

Why Low Carb Diet is good for fertility

Firstly, a low carbohydrate diet does not equal a keto. Following a low carb eating plan, you aim to get about 20% of your nutrition from carbs, while Keto is extreme and limits you to only 5% energy from carbs.

In some low carb studies, participants had as much as 40% energy from carbs.

How does a low carb diet help your fertility?

Reduces chronic inflammation

A low carbohydrate diet may reduce chronic inflammation.

When you eat high amounts of refined starches and sugars you may start producing unhealthy amounts of inflammatory cytokines. This response may activate your immune system and switch on chronic inflammation.

Ongoing inflammation can arrest ovulation and reduce reproductive hormone levels. Chronic inflammation is no friend when trying to conceive. It alters endometrial receptivity and it has been associated with endometriosis.

Furthermore, when you reduce your carbohydrate intake you naturally increase fats and proteins in your menu. Healthy amounts of foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids (salmon, oysters, walnuts, linseeds) have been linked with higher progesterone levels, lower inflammation markers and a reduced risk of anovulation.

Restores ovulation, optimises reproductive hormones

A low carb diet improves fertility by increasing insulin sensitivity.

Furthermore, for PCOS patients this type of eating restores the balance of inositol, thereby improving insulin resistance, decreasing the level of androgen, and improving the quality of oocytes.

Additionally, the reduced amount of carbs may help to prevent anovulatory infertility in otherwise healthy women.


If you are diagnosed with PCOS, or you are trying to conceive and it takes longer, low carb eating plans are worth a shot because they may enhance your ovulation.

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