The main therapies we use are acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and manual therapy. We also may guide you about diet and lifestyle. When necessary, we may help you to learn some basic but very powerful meditation techniques correctly.
In my practice, I integrate the millennia-old acupuncture wisdom with modern research.
Acupuncture is the most scientifically researched natural therapy. It has been shown to benefit numerous health conditions. Maybe this is the reason Acupuncture is the natural medicine of choice with GPs in New Zealand. And according to research published in the NZ Medical Journal, acupuncture is their first choice among natural therapies.
Acupuncture is well recognised in the scientific circles with a lot of studies concluding either the effectiveness of acupuncture or that further research is warranted.
We know, that physiologically, numerous changes take place in your body after the acupuncture needles are inserted. Scientists have discovered that acupuncture triggers a 24 fold increase in neurotransmitter adenosine (Journal of Nature 2010). Studies using the high-tech brain imaging technique FMRI have shown that your brain responds very differently if acupuncture needles are placed in the correct locations.
We use herbal medicines for various ailments including infertility, period pain, insomnia, anxiety, depression and others.
The herbs are considered very safe if they are good quality and are prescribed by a qualified TCM practitioner. The herbal pills I use in my practice are manufactured from premium quality “A” grade herbs. They have undergone various quality certifications. If you’d like to know more about the herbs, the quality and if or how they can help your condition, please contact us!
Manual therapy includes spinal adjustments, osteo-manipulation (Tuina and Japanese style).
Babies, who are too young for acupuncture may be prescribed Infantile Tuina.
Massage is provided by White Crane Massage Auckland and includes fertility, pregnancy massage as well as therapeutic/relaxation massage.