How acupuncture helps gouty arthritis
How acupuncture helps gouty arthritis
Gout is a very common form of arthritis. It primarily affects joints in the feet of older males. It appears overnight or within 24 hours and causes intense pain, swelling and red skin. The big toe is the most common site affected by this condition.
Usually your doctor will prescribe you a medication to control your symptoms or/and to reduce the uric acid levels. However, if you believe that taking a tablet a day is not a solution, and if you are looking for another effective way to manage gout, acupuncture may be for you.
Uric acid forms tiny crystals in a joint. These microscopic crystals set off inflammation causing the pain and swelling.
Uric acid is physiologically present in our blood. Normal amounts of it cause no harm. Increased amounts may lead to gouty arthritis, kidney stones and even kidney failure.
Various research has shown numerous mechanisms helping acupuncture treatment of gouty arthritis:
Research revealed acupuncture to be more effective than Zyloprim in treatment of this painful condition and showed a similar reduction of uric acid in blood and urine.
Acupuncture may be administered alone or together with the medication. In either case, it is a good idea, to monitor the amounts of uric acid by a yearly blood test.
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