Superiority of the integrative approach
Acupuncture, manual therapies and herbal medicines are effective for many conditions, but how do you know when to use what?
Just like a good cook knows the significance of selecting the right amount of the right spices, we will never overlook the importance of choosing the therapy that is most effective for your current condition.
Furthermore, accurately selecting a combination of spices can create magic. We combine/integrate therapies to produce better results.
Your lifestyle often will be as important as the harmonising treatment you will receive at our clinic. Sometimes even a small change in your lifestyle will have dramatic results. We will discuss with you your diet, exercise and daily routine to optimise your health and speed up your recovery.
Integration with Western Medicine
If used correctly, natural therapies synergise with conventional treatment. This may reduce recovery time and help ease side-effects of conventional medical therapies.
I’ve listed a few examples of this successful marriage of natural therapies with conventional treatment.
Just like a good cook knows the significance of selecting the right amount of the right spices, we will never overlook the importance of choosing the therapy that is most effective for your current condition.
“If the only tool you have is a hammer, you treat everything like a nail.”
Abraham Maslow
Abraham Maslow was a renown psychologist and behavioural scientist, referred to as “the father of human psychology”.
Maslow is known for his theory of “self-actualization.”, books “Motivation and Personality” (1954) and “Toward a Psychology of Being” (1962)
Examples of holistic approach
- Acupuncture significantly enhances the outcomes of conventional medicine fertility treatment in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and reduces the risks of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy associated with this fertility treatment.
- Acupuncture may be combined with conventional medicine for pain relief for conditions like osteoarthritis. In fact, acupuncture is so effective in pain relief, it is used by physicians in China for open heart surgery with some local anaesthetics. The effect of acupuncture for back pain, headaches and injuries has been documented in many controlled trials.
- Acupuncture and herbal medicines reduce side-effects of chemo and radiotherapy for cancer patients. Acupuncture also helps to recover the immunity compromised by chemotherapy. Stimulating certain acupuncture points helps to recover the white blood cell count in these patients.