“I would recommend anyone who has a medical mystery to see Dr Vitalis as soon as possible” Louise Jordaan
I would like to express my utmost gratitude – You have helped me more than words can explain.
For approximately 2 years i’d been battling with swollen feet, I would wake up first thing in the morning and my legs would be swollen, my upper legs, knees and ankles were all the same size.
Despite seeing several doctors and specialist with numerous test (including but not limited to: thyroid, diabetes, suspected kidney failure, suspected heart condition) with lots of time and money spent on medication, only to be told there was no medical explanation for the swelling, the only solution offered was to keep my feet elevated all the time.
Honesty, as a busy career women in my mid thirties I couldn’t sit around all day with my feet up – life was happening around me and I couldn’t be a part of it – it was very frustrating.
The impact was not only physical, emotionally and psychologically it was also taking a toll on me, it was impacting on my work and my relationships and I was at my wits end.
I couldn’t put shoes on, I couldn’t do the simple things. Standing was painful and seemed to increase the swelling, but then again so did sitting down and lying down.
After exhausting all my medical options, I turned to acupuncture as a last resort, now in retrospect it should have been my first option.
Immediately after the first treatment I could feel the relief and 8 weeks later, I had my ordinary unswollen feet and legs back. I’d almost forgotten what they felt and looked like.
Acupuncture has been an amazing healing experience for which I will always be grateful – recently it was my 1 year anniversary of being ” swelling-free”!
I would recommend anyone who has a “medical mystery” situation to see Dr.Vitalis as soon as possible – I know, I can’t explain what was happening to me, but I can confidently say that Dr. Vitalis sorted it out.
Thank you so much for helping me.
Louise Jordaan, 38, Stakeholder Liaison Manager: Civil Construction