“I know acupuncture was significant in my successful conceptions and pregnancies and our two beautiful boys would not be here otherwise” Zelda
I had acupuncture throughout the entire IVF process for my first pregnancy and my son was delivered by C Section at 39 weeks at a healthy 10 lbs.
On my second pregnancy the morning sickness wasn’t as bad so I stopped the treatments after the first trimester but my waters broke early and I was rushed into hospital. The hospital expected I would go into labour within the next 48 hours. I was desperately worried as this was too premature. Thankfully Roberta and Vitalis agreed to give me treatments at the hospital and I was able to hold on for another two and half weeks, and delivered a healthy baby 7lbs, only one month premature.
I wish I had continued the acupuncture all the way through for my 2nd pregnancy and avoided this situation.
I know acupuncture was significant in my successful conceptions and pregnancies and our two beautiful boys would not be here otherwise.
I cannot thank Vitalis and Roberta enough for their expertise and loving support.
Zelda and Wouter