Acupuncture best therapy for back pain

I have discussed in the previous posts that acupuncture is more effective than conventional treatment for pregnancy back pain, that acupuncture relieves lower back pain long-term and that you don’t even necessarily need the needles, acupressure for back pain alone is more effective than conventional therapies.

Now scientists from Germany have clearly spelled out that acupuncture is almost twice as effective as conventional treatment. And that the effect of treatment lasts for at least 6 months. This news has generated a lot of publicity from media worldwide, but not much in New Zealand.
Interestingly, none of the previous research got so much attention as this.

Reference: Archives of Internal Medicine

Hay fever symptoms reduces with acupuncture

Hay fever acupuncture

80 patients who had a very long history of allergies participated in acupuncture for hay fever study. Prior to this, these patients have tried almost everything to relieve symptoms. It means that’s a complicated group to treat.
It was well-designed study by the World Health Organisation in collaboration with Centre of Chinese Medicine at RMIT University. Half of the participants got fake acupuncture, the other half had real acupuncture.

After eight weeks of  treatment, those receiving the real acupuncture had a significant drop in symptoms, while those with the fake treatment did not feel any difference. Acupuncture benefits continued for another three months after the treatment ended.

This study confirmed that acupuncture significantly reduces the symptoms of nasal allergies,  sneezing, opens blocked noses, stops nasal itching and a runny nose.

About 20 per cent of New Zealanders suffer from hay-fever, and acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for it.

Results published in the Medical Journal of Australia.