Acupuncture chemotherapy

Acupuncture improves quality of life of patients exhausted by chemotherapy

The Gentle Touch: Acupuncture, Acupressure, and the Battle Against Cancer-Related Fatigue A cancer diagnosis is a life-changing event that often leaves people feeling physically and emotionally exhausted. And the fatigue experienced by many patients during and after chemotherapy is a particularly troublesome symptom to manage. It can disrupt daily activities and diminish overall quality of […]

Acupuncture pain anesthesia

Acupuncture benefits for surgery pain

Picture this: a patient lies on the operating table, prepped for surgery. As the medical team assembles, a practitioner steps forward, armed not with a scalpel, but with slender needles. In this moment, ancient wisdom and modern medicine converge, and the power of acupuncture is unleashed. Researchers at Duke University Medical Centre in North Carolina […]

Chinese herbs superior to drugs easing menstrual cramps

Chinese herbal medicine provides significant pain relief for women with menstrual cramps, researchers from University of Western Sydney show. Women with period pains are often offered either nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or oral contraceptives. Both of the options have drawbacks, including the short and long term side-effects. Many women find these treatments don’t work or that […]

Acupuncture best therapy for back pain

I have discussed in the previous posts that acupuncture is more effective than conventional treatment for pregnancy back pain, that acupuncture relieves lower back pain long-term and that you don’t even necessarily need the needles, acupressure for back pain alone is more effective than conventional therapies. Now scientists from Germany have clearly spelled out that […]

Hay fever symptoms reduces with acupuncture

Hay fever acupuncture

80 patients who had a very long history of allergies participated in acupuncture for hay fever study. Prior to this, these patients have tried almost everything to relieve symptoms. It means that’s a complicated group to treat. It was well-designed study by the World Health Organisation in collaboration with Centre of Chinese Medicine at RMIT […]

Posture blood pressure causes headaches

Bad posture, Blood Pressure and Migraine headache connection?

Researchers at University of Leeds, UK, have found a direct neural connection between neck muscles and a part of the brain stem (called the nucleus tractus solitarius), which plays a crucial role in regulating heart rate and blood pressure. (The Journal of Neuroscience) This finding could explain why blood pressure and heart rate, sometimes change […]

Acupuncture regulation NZ

Regulation and registration of Acupuncture under New Zealand law (HPCA Act)

The present state of requirements to become an acupuncturist in NZ Currently, acupuncture is not a registered health profession under HPCAA. Instead, the acupuncture industry is self-regulated. Currently one does not need any formal qualification to practice in NZ. If you have seen acupuncture on TV, you can probably start practising. Except if you are […]