Fertility acupuncture for trying to conceive

Success. After taking control when trying to conceive

Tracy Ryan had given up hope of having a second child. Two years of trying to conceive, including three failed artificial inseminations, had finally culminated in a successful in vitro fertilization-and 2-year-old Christopher. But further attempts at IVF had left Ryan, 35, disappointed and exhausted.

Desperate to feel better, the stay-at-home mom from Fair Haven, N.J., decided to try acupuncture, kick her six-can-a-day Diet Pepsi habit, and eat more fish, fruits, and vegetables. Eight weeks later and slimmer by 7 pounds, Ryan was shocked to discover that she was pregnant. “I was literally shaking when I saw the pregnancy test,” she says. “My husband made me buy a different brand to verify it.”

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New Zealand doctor acupuncture

Doctor strongly recommends acupuncture to improve IVF success rate


Medical researcher Dr Shaun Holt used to belong to New Zealand skeptic society, an organisation known for being critical of acupuncture.

Dr Holt reviewed a lot of research on natural medicine and as a result, has changed his opinion about some of the natural medicines. Yesterday he appeared on TV endorsing acupuncture as a very safe and effective treatment for back pain, headaches and improving the success rate of IVF (in vitro fertilisation). Watch the report on TVNZ.

[Comment: this is an older post pulled from archives]

IVF acupuncture books

Fertility, IVF and Acupuncture books

Infertility cure acupuncture, herbs and lifestyleLegs up fertility acupuncture bookAmong the good strategies of dealing with the stress of infertility and IVF is getting more information about your condition and what you can do. Another one is reading stories of people who have been in your situation. Here are some books that address both of these approaches.

One, The Infertility Cure, is on acupuncture and fertility, but it also gives you a good roundup of what you can do yourself, offering a holistic approach to overcoming infertility. Drawing on the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, the Dr Lewis presents TCM understanding of reproductive health that helps couples identify and treat the root causes of their fertility issues. By combining acupuncture, herbal therapy, and other natural remedies, this book aims to help individuals balance their reproductive systems and achieve optimal health for successful conception. Dr Lewis’s comprehensive guide provides a thorough understanding of the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit in the context of fertility, empowering readers with knowledge and hope. This holistic perspective allows couples to regain control of their reproductive health and improve their chances of conceiving naturally.

Another one recommended read by one of my patients is Legs Up and Laughing. In this book, Vanessa Bates takes you on her “Big Great Fertility Ride”. This one is for you AND your partner. It’s a refreshingly honest and funny memoir that chronicles one woman’s tumultuous yet heartwarming journey to parenthood.

In this deeply personal and often hilarious account, Vanessa shares her intimate struggles with IVF, her fierce determination to become a mother, and the love and support she receives from her friends, family, and a partner who refuses to give up on their dreams of parenthood.

As you delve into Vanessa’s story, you’ll be reminded of the importance of resilience, optimism, and the power of laughter in the face of adversity. Her journey serves as a reminder that even when life throws you curveballs, it’s possible to come out stronger and with a renewed sense of hope.