Fertility acupuncture success stories

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How acupuncture helps fertility

5 New Discoveries about how Acupuncture helps Fertility

Are you struggling to conceive? Recent studies have revealed the incredible mechanism behind fertility acupunctures‘ ability to improve IVF success rates.

Here is a summary of the most interesting discoveries.

Acupuncture perfects the uterine lining

A triple-line pattern uterine lining is associated with better IVF success, and acupuncture can help. Studies show that this traditional therapy significantly enhances the chances of developing this type of uterine lining, increasing your chances of a successful pregnancy naturally or with IVF.

Improves blood supply

In addition to improving blood flow to ovaries, Acupuncture is also known to improve blood supply to the uterine lining, which is crucial for successful conception. Research has shown that even uterine vascularisation can improve after just three months of treatment, highlighting the benefits of this ancient therapy.

Increases uterine receptivity

Acupuncture has been found to boost the expression of the HOXA10 protein in the uterine lining, which plays a crucial role in endometrial development and implantation of an embryo. This time-tested therapy can improve uterine receptivity. This maybe of a particular value to women with conditions is lowered such as endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and hydrosalpinx.

Regulates sugar levels

Acupuncture can help regulate sugar levels, which is especially vital for women with polycystic ovarian syndrome and diabetes. This traditional therapy can benefit a wide range of patients and help balance their hormone levels.

Optimises ovarian volume and AMH

If you’re dealing with PCOS, acupuncture can help normalise ovarian volume and AMH levels.

How many sessions are needed?

If you’re considering acupuncture for fertility, just one session could already make a difference. However, for more measurable results, it’s recommended to commit to at least 18 sessions or three months of treatment.

Contact Dr Vitalis to discuss your situation or learn more about reproductive and IVF acupuncture.

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Your IVF treatment: Are you a “passenger”?

Fertility treatment and especially IVF can be a seriously tough and complicated journey. Making the right and informed decisions right at the beginning may save you years of treatment.

A mini-book “Must-Ask Questions for IVF Newbies” was recommended by one of my patients. This little gem is written by a patient who took an active role in her treatment for others. It will answer many of your questions and give you ideas about the questions you need to ask your doctor.

Your reproductive endocrinologist will be able to do more for you if you take an active role in your treatment. This book is about your first step of taking a seat of a co-pilot rather than a passenger in your fertility journey.

The “Must-Ask Questions for IVF Newbies” for your PC or a multimedia tablet is available for $2.99 from Amazon.