Tag Archive for: pregnancy

“After 3 years of trying to get pregnant unsuccessfully, we were prepared to try anything”

After 3 years of trying to get pregnant unsuccessfully, we were prepared to try anything. I came to see Dr Vitalis over a year ago for fertility acupuncture. I made weekly visits to Vitalis and am now 8 months pregnant.

I also had help with restless legs. I had my veins lasered to try to combat this. The laser treatment for my legs helped, but only briefly. After four months the symptoms slowly returned. And especially since I became pregnant the symptoms have been keeping me up until the early hours of each morning (and apparently, around 20% of pregnant woman suffer from this). I would spend at least 4 nights a week on the couch trying to get to sleep with my legs twitching and keeping me up.

In desperation, I’ve tried everything from tonic water, magnesium, walking, massage and nothing worked. Dr Vitalis suggested I try acupuncture for this. I am now getting a restful night’s sleep now. I have been sleeping solidly through the night. I feel like a new person! Thank you to Dr Vitalis and Dr Roberta for all your help.

Nicola Jost

Pregnancy acupuncture is safe

Pregnancy acupuncture is exceptionally safe

If you’re considering acupuncture to support your pregnancy, you may be wondering about its safety. Well, rest assured! When done correctly by an acupuncturists with adequate expertise pregnancy acupuncture is exceptionally safe.

Unlike common medications for pregnancy conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, prenatal depression (see antidepressants), back pain, pelvic pain, headaches, and others that may lead to permanent harm to a developing baby, acupuncture is considered very safe. In fact, a recent systematic review and meta-analysis concluded that it is one of the safest treatments in medicine, with serious side effects being rare and the most common adverse events being very mild.

And when it comes to pregnancy acupuncture specifically, the safety record is stellar. 

A study of 20799 pregnant women conducted in South Korea found that pregnancy acupuncture not only prevented stillbirths, but also reduced the number of preterm deliveries. Women who had acupuncture all delivered alive babies. Sadly, there were seven stillbirths in the group that didn’t have this time-proven therapy.

In another study from South Korea have adverse events from acupuncture during pregnancy were found to be very mild and transient, with serious adverse events being very rare.

The most common adverse events

In 1000 pregnancy patients only 13 will experience a mild adverse event, such as mild pain and tiny bleeding at the needle sites. Those side effects did not last, stopped shortly after the treatment and women when about their lives as normal. Even more rarely, a tiny bruise may occur, but it is normally not painful and will go away on its own.

Pregnancy acupuncture is safe when practiced by an expert

It’s important to seek out an acupuncturist who is well-educated, trained, and experienced in providing acupuncture during pregnancy to ensure your safety and that of your baby. A study in 2009, concluded just  that: “Acupuncture treatment is safe if the practitioners are well educated, trained, and experienced.”

Is acupuncture safe during the first trimester of pregnancy?

Some women are worried that acupuncture in early pregnancy may cause the miscarriage, a study in Australia not only showed it was safe during the first trimester, in fact, women who had this natural therapy had effectively halved their risk of miscarriages (5% compared to the Australian average of 11%). 


To sum it up, acupuncture is safe, and during pregnancy when done correctly by an expert acupuncturist, no matter in which trimester you receive the treatment.

So, if you’re interested in pregnancy acupuncture, you need to make sure you seek an acupuncturist with specialised training and a wealth of obstetric experience.

Here are some conclusions from various acupuncture safety studies:

Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2010:
“Acupuncture is inherently safe in the hands of well trained practitioners.”

Yamashita, 2000, Japan:
“Although any adverse reactions associated with acupuncture were common even in standard practice, they were transient and mild.”

White, 2001, UK:
“All AEs were mild and no serious AE occurred.”

Jimin Park, 2013, Korea:
Acupuncture during pregnancy appears to be associated with a few AEs when correctly applied.

You may also be interested to learn about fertility and IVF acupuncture, which can also be safe and beneficial under the right circumstances.


Pregnancy depression acupuncture

Depression during pregnancy and Acupuncture

Acupuncture for pregnancy depression

When it comes to treating pregnancy depression, acupuncture is gaining recognition as an effective and safe solution. Now a new and largest study to date published in Obstetrics & Gynaecology confirms acupuncture to be effective for antenatal or pregnancy depression. There’s a growing call for this ancient therapy to become a mainstream option, especially considering the positive effects on both mother and baby.

Pregnancy Depression: More Common Than You Think


Pregnancy depression is more common than previously thought, with 1 in 7 pregnant women may suffer the baby blues. Now an influential body of US Preventive Services Task Force recommends that all women during pregnancy are screened for the condition affecting health not only of the mother but also of the developing baby.

Why antidepressants may be risky during pregnancy

Since 2008 NZ Medsafe has been warning that SSRI antidepressant use in pregnancy may increase the risk of congenital abnormalities and that in later stages of pregnancy can lead to neonatal complications indicative of a withdrawal syndrome, and to persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn; and that doctors need to discuss this with their patients.
Some antidepressants were considered to be relatively safe not so long ago, but there is more and more evidence confirming that any kind of antidepressants may temporarily or permanently harm the developing foetus. The March 2010 issue of Pediatrics reports that antidepressants may permanently or reversibly affect fetal brain development.

Why you shouldn’t delay and address pregnancy depression as soon as it is diagnosed

Addressing pregnancy depression promptly is vital for safeguarding both mother and baby. Left untreated, it can lead to preterm births and elevated cortisol levels, possibly causing low birth weight or impaired brain development. Children born to mothers with pregnancy depression may also show heightened cortisol levels by age 10, indicating long-term effects on emotional health.

Acupuncture for pregnancy depression

Pregnancy depression and stress can lead to adverse effects on the baby. Acupuncture is a safe effective treatment against the baby blues.

  • Many thousands of preterm births could be prevented if women diagnosed with the condition receive treatment during pregnancy.
  •  Antenatal depression and stress increase cortisol levels; this may lead to babies, who are born small and possibly smaller brains in proportion to their bodies.
  • Babies born to mothers with this debilitating condition have a blunted stress response, which may mean it is harder for them to react to stressful situations.
  • Antenatal stress can alter the structure of her offspring’s brain, particularly regions vital for emotional development.
  • Antenatal depression has a long-term effect on the child. Children born to stressed mothers have shown abnormally high cortisol levels at age 10.

The bottom line? Depression during pregnancy may harm the developing foetus and so can antidepressants. Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for antenatal and postnatal depression. If you are pregnant and suspect that you may be suffering from depression, reach out to your obstetrician, midwife or GP and get in touch with us today.