Hard to Conceive? Find Infertility Cure

The Washington Post: Hard to Conceive:

“Hard to Conceive Unable to Get Pregnant, She Turned East in Quest of Fertility ”

And why not? Six months on fertility drugs, two inseminations and one $13,000 attempt at vitro fertilization (IVF) had all failed me — or them. I felt I had to try something else. In February, minutes after I realized the IVF hadn’t worked, and knowing my husband and I would have a rough time financing a second round of treatment, I hit the Internet looking for an alternative.

I quickly stumbled on Lewis’s book “The Infertility Cure: The Ancient Chinese Wellness Program for Getting Pregnant and Having Healthy Babies” (Little, Brown, 2004). Unlike lots of other books that champion this or that single regimen, this one combined a slew of alternative therapies: herbs, acupuncture, diet changes and mind/body work.
