“diagnosed with endometriosis and following laparoscopic surgery, I struggled with severe pelvic pain and cramps.” Imogen

Since being diagnosed with endometriosis at the start of the year and following laparoscopic surgery for treatment, I struggled with severe pelvic pain and cramps. The pain and medication required to manage the pain itself were hugely impacting my life. Some days I was unable to get out of bed without strong pain medication. I decided to try acupuncture after being recommended by a friend and trying all other alternatives treatments.

Within two months, acupuncture had given my life back to me. I am now pain-free and am no longer reliant on medication to manage my condition. I have been able to exercise pain-free again and attend university, and work no longer worrying about potential pelvic pain or cramps.

Thank you,


Acupuncture for pelvic pain

Endometriosis New Zealand requested us to shoot a video on acupuncture for endometriosis/pelvic pain.

Transcript of the video:

Vitalis: My name is Vitalis. I’m an acupuncturist specialising in reproductive health, pain, stress, anxiety and depression.

Chetna: My name is Chetna. I was diagnosed with endometriosis eight years ago.

Vitalis: Endometriosis NZ asked us to shoot a video on the benefits of acupuncture for pelvic pain.

Chetna: I’ve managed my symptoms with a lot of medication; I’ve had two surgeries…

Vitalis: In recent years we have seen an increased interest in acupuncture for endometriosis, but some women and even some doctors remain apprehensive, thinking that maybe acupuncture doesn’t have scientific support. And this may have been the case not so long ago. But now the leading experts, the leading experts in reproductive health are seeing acupuncture in a new light.

Chetna: I think I have a high threshold [for pain]. Having had endometriosis and being able to deal
with everything that’s come along with that. But my pain got to such a level that I was taking pain medication three times a day for over two weeks at a time.
And these were the maximum prescribed drugs that the doctors could give me. Such as Naproxen, Codeine, Neurofen all of those didn’t do anything. And that was really troubling to me because it was no more that I could do with medicine really.

Vitalis: American Society of Medicine recommends acupuncture. We have endometriosis management consensus compiled by our NZ Professor Dr. Neil Johnson; again recommending acupuncture as an option for pelvic pain.

There is more to endometriosis than just pain: inflammation, some women experience bloating, IBS type symptoms, stress, anxiety, depression. When done correctly acupuncture can tackle multiple symptoms simultaneously. It will not cure endometriosis, no. But it may help you feel healthier and happier.

Chetna: And I have a real fear of needles.
So you can see the state I was in to actually make me look at acupuncture as an option…

Vitalis: I will mention one study from 2017.
That review found that acupuncture was more effective than pharmaceutical drugs like Zoladex. Women who had acupuncture found that it was better at reducing both pain and information.

All this doesn’t mean that you should stop your current treatment and have acupuncture instead. We like to combine things. We can integrate acupuncture into your current treatment plan.

Chetna: It helped me. I could not believe myself. I stopped taking the pain medication that I’d been on. And these were quite
strong pain medications not just Panadol.

Vitalis: This treatment is especially helpful when you’re looking for a more natural solution.Or when other options have
failed you. Some women have surgery and still experience the pain.
You can consider acupuncture either before surgery or after.

And when you’re trying to conceive and are worried about the effects of the drugs on the baby. Acupuncture is a safe option.

Chetna: I was able to stop taking the pain medication that
I was on. I was able to continue with my life really as if nothing had happened.

And I think that’s what that’s what you really want. Of course it doesn’t cure my endometriosis, but at least it helps me to manage it and to
live as normal life as I can.

Vitalis: To discover more how we can help in your situation leave a comment below this video or visit us at https://vitalis.co.nz

Thank you Endometriosis NZ for the opportunity and for the encouragement.

Thank YOU for researching acupuncture as an option.
Looking forward to hearing from you!

Period pain acupuncture

Acupuncture for menstrual pain

Dysmenorrhea is a medical term for period pain is a condition that most women endure during their reproductive years. It is classified into primary and secondary. When the doctors can diagnose the condition causing the period pain, they call it secondary dysmenorrhea. When there is no clear cause, the period pain is called primary dysmenorrhea. Currently Western Medicine treatments available are symptom management with pain medication.

In China menstrual pain has been treated with acupuncture and Chinese herbs for millennia. And acupuncture goes beyond reducing pain and discomfort. It addresses the core of the problem: pro-inflammatory cytokines. Cytokines are naturally occurring substances in the body and they are necessary to keep you healthy. But during the period they are so abundant they can sensitize your nervous system leading to aches and pains.

Many clinical trials had been conducted to show efficacy of acupuncture on menstrual pain. Now researchers are doing the reviews of clinical trials to build a stronger evidence. 2018 systematic review analysed as many as 60 studies on acupuncture for  menstrual pain. And the results were amazing. Not only acupuncture was significantly more effective at reducing period pain than pain medication, the pain relief lasted over the few months follow-up.

Despite limitations such as study quality and methodological restrictions, the results of this review suggest that acupuncture may be an effective and safe treatment option for women with primary dysmenorrhea. So why suffer? Menstrual pain may be normalised, but it is unnecessary and optional. Seek out acupuncture, and experience the transformation it can bring to your life.