Acupuncture in childbirth
How acupuncture helps to reduce the complications and shorten your labour
How acupuncture helps to reduce the complications and shorten your labour
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Pregnancy & acupuncture
“In childbirth, acupuncture analgesia is useful for relieving labour pain and can significantly reduce the duration of labour.
In the case of weakened uterine contractions, acupuncture increases the activity of the uterus. In addition, the avoidance of narcotics is advantageous for newborn infants.”“Acupuncture treatment is safe if it is performed properly by a well-trained practitioner. Unlike many drugs, it is non-toxic, and adverse reactions are minimal.”
The latest studies confirm the WHO document findings for the use of acupuncture in pregnancy and labor.
The latest Conchrane review (C.Smith 2017) found that when acupuncture was done correctly (electroacupuncture), it helped to soften the cervix and reduced the duration of labour.
They also found that electroacupuncture was more effective for the outcomes caesarean section, and instrumental vaginal and the spontaneous vaginal birth. It decreased the rate of caesarean sections and increased the rate of spontaneous vaginal birth.
Pregnancy and fertility acupuncture are one our fields of expertise. Contact us now to discuss how we can help you.
It’s a simple, but effective technique to reduce the pain and encourage more efficient labour. Learn more about acupressure for labour and get your partner involved.