“Vitalis has done wonders for me in such a short time” Tony Manga
After many years of osteopathic, chiropractic and the occasional physiotherapy treatment for chronic neck pain I was desperate to find some relief. I have spent thousands of dollars for specialists, doctors and of course pain killers. Nothing against any of the above treatments, but no one could pin point the cause of pain or treat other symptoms that affected my chronic neck pain and migraine headaches.
One of the main symptoms was the build up to rain during the summer months. I would suffer with migraines for several days and neck/shoulder muscle stiffness. Once it rained, the pain was gone. Over the years I have learnt what sports and other activities I can participate in to help with the ease of pain and which to avoid causing severe pain. The hardest thing was to mentally block out the pain and try to lead a normal life the best I can. For many years I have had no social life because of the restrictions my neck pain caused.
I was given the phone number for Dr Vitalis by one of my work colleagues. As you can imagine, I thought to myself just another treatment and more money. After just two sessions of acupuncture and manipulation I was feeling a lot better and had a positive outlook on what the treatment was doing for me. Too good to be true, I thought, and yes along came the clouds and the build up to rain. The pain came back with the build up to rain, but not as bad as in the past. I told Vitalis about this and he treated different areas of my body to cope with the sensitivity I had to such weather conditions.
I’m not 100% yet, but feeling a lot better. Getting much better sleep at night and managing to cope with the pain a lot better with the exercises given to me by Vitalis had definitely helped. It has been 6 weeks since my last treatment. I will be going for more treatment, as I know this problem cannot be healed quickly. So after I move house I will be back to one treatment a week. I would recommend Dr Vitalis to anyone who has severe neck & back pain. He has done wonders for me in such a short time. My outlook on life has changed and I look forward to going forward with a much more positive and enthusiastic attitude due do less chronic neck pain.
Tony Manga